If you are a recreational athlete or a professional one, you most certainly encountered a physiotherapist at some point in time. One may seek advice as a preventative measure or to deal with an acute or chronic injury. Once again, it is important to not only treat the symptoms but also identifying the source of the problem which may be poor technique, setting of equipment, footwear or a sudden increase in training intensity. A combination of advice, hands-on treatment and exercise therapy is often the course of action. In some cases further diagnostics are required apart from the clinical examination. Our physiotherapists are in constant communication with the sports and orthopaedic consultants to update on progress and seek advice when other interventions are required.
Meniscus injury
Jumper’s knee
Patellofemortal joint pathology
ligament and muscular injuries
Tendon injuries e.g. tennis elbow, golfers elbow, Achilles and patellar tendinopathies
Shoulder impingements
ITB friction syndrome
Post operative rehabilitation
To book an appointment with AB Physiotherapy Services or for further information about video motion analysis and custom orthotics please contact us on the following.
Tel: 020 81233232 / Mob : 07523067482 or email: [email protected]
AB Physiotherapy Services (ABPS) are recognised by all major Medical Health Insurances:
Provider numbers:
AXA – ZZ03063
BUPA – 80011243
Cigna – 199351
WPA – 920499269
Aviva – 600052512